Tired of spending hours trying to find a great game to play? So are we. Pay-to-win social MMOs have destroyed mobile gaming, making it almost impossible to find a quality game in the Play Store.
That's why we're picking the best Android gaming has to offer and collecting them here. We neatly tag & categorise all apps so that you can find the genre you're interested in, without wasting your time scouring the Play Store.
• Over 200 excellent games to play
• Filter games by over 40 different tags - Turn-based strategy, roguelike, 8-bit, point-and-click, you name it!
• On a budget? Use the filters to show only free games, or sort by price.
• Against IAPs? Search for games that don't offer in-app purchases.
• New: Find games with controller support.
Whether you're looking for turn-based strategy, action RPGs, or retro pixel games, Curated has something for everyone! We spend time finding the best games so you don't have to.
Curated makes it easy to discover the best games on Android!
Please note that Curated is still in Beta - as such, we expect some bugs. If you notice any bugs, or have any suggestions, please contact us at support@getcurated.co
Regarding Screenshots
Due to Google's policy on Intellectual Property, we cannot provide nice screenshots of the app without the written consent of the developer's who have created the applications listed. If you are a developer of an app featured by Curated and would like your application featured in the screenshots, please contact us with a small note of written consent at support@getcurated.co.
Open Advertising
We're trying to promote awesome advertising in this app (not the usual 'you have a virus' spam). As such, we've built our own advertising network from the ground-up. We'll sometimes show apps with a small 'sponsored' message beside them in the feed, but we'll NEVER attempt to show an advert as an organic listing.
Read about what we think advertising should be here: http://getcurated.co/advertising
Or you can view the data for all advertisements here: http://getcurated.co/advertising/campaigns
Permissions Explained
Identity: Required by Google Play Services (GCM) to receive optional notifications for games you're interested in.
Wi-Fi Connection: Used by the app to give more descriptive error messages, e.g. when your internet connection is down.
In-App Billing: Optional in-app purchase to support development of Curated and hide the sponsored games
Lelah menghabiskan berjam-jam mencoba untuk menemukan permainan yang bagus untuk bermain? Jadi kita. Bayar-untuk-menang MMO sosial telah menghancurkan mobile gaming, sehingga hampir mustahil untuk menemukan permainan berkualitas di Play Store.
Itu sebabnya kami memilih Android game terbaik yang ditawarkan dan mengumpulkan mereka di sini. Kami rapi tag & mengkategorikan semua aplikasi sehingga Anda dapat menemukan genre Anda tertarik, tanpa membuang-buang waktu Anda menjelajahi Play Store.
• Lebih dari 200 permainan yang sangat baik untuk bermain
• Filter game dengan lebih dari 40 tag yang berbeda - Belok berbasis strategi, roguelike, 8-bit, point-and-klik, Anda nama itu!
• Pada anggaran? Gunakan filter untuk hanya menampilkan permainan gratis, atau urutkan berdasarkan harga.
• Terhadap IAP? Mencari game yang tidak menawarkan di-app pembelian.
• New : Cari permainan dengan dukungan kontroler.
Apakah Anda sedang mencari strategi turn-based, RPG tindakan, atau game retro pixel, curated memiliki sesuatu untuk semua orang! Kami menghabiskan waktu menemukan permainan terbaik sehingga Anda tidak perlu.
Curated membuatnya mudah untuk menemukan permainan terbaik di Android!
Harap dicatat bahwa dikuratori masih dalam Beta - karena itu, kami mengharapkan beberapa bug. Jika anda melihat ada bug, atau memiliki saran, silahkan hubungi kami di support@getcurated.co
Mengenai Layar
Karena kebijakan Google tentang HAKI, kami tidak dapat memberikan screenshot bagus dari aplikasi tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari pengembang yang telah menciptakan aplikasi yang terdaftar. Jika Anda seorang pengembang aplikasi ditampilkan oleh curated dan ingin aplikasi Anda ditampilkan dalam screenshot, silahkan hubungi kami dengan catatan kecil dari persetujuan tertulis di support@getcurated.co.
Buka Iklan
Kami mencoba untuk mempromosikan iklan mengagumkan dalam aplikasi ini (tidak biasa 'Anda memiliki virus' spam). Dengan demikian, kami telah membangun jaringan periklanan kita sendiri dari tanah-up. Kita kadang-kadang akan menunjukkan aplikasi dengan 'disponsori' pesan kecil di samping mereka dalam feed, tapi kami tidak pernah akan mencoba untuk menunjukkan sebuah iklan sebagai daftar organik.
Baca tentang apa yang kita pikirkan iklan harus berada di sini: http://getcurated.co/advertising
Atau Anda dapat melihat data untuk semua iklan di sini: http://getcurated.co/advertising/campaigns
Permissions Dijelaskan
Identitas: yang harus diisi oleh Google Play Services (GCM) menerima notifikasi opsional untuk permainan Anda tertarik.
Wi-Fi Connection: Digunakan oleh aplikasi untuk memberikan pesan kesalahan yang lebih deskriptif, misalnya ketika koneksi internet Anda sedang down.
In-App Penagihan: pilihan pembelian di-app untuk mendukung pengembangan curated dan menyembunyikan game yang disponsori
Tired of spending hours trying to find a great game to play? So are we. Pay-to-win social MMOs have destroyed mobile gaming, making it almost impossible to find a quality game in the Play Store.
That's why we're picking the best Android gaming has to offer and collecting them here. We neatly tag & categorise all apps so that you can find the genre you're interested in, without wasting your time scouring the Play Store.
• Over 200 excellent games to play
• Filter games by over 40 different tags - Turn-based strategy, roguelike, 8-bit, point-and-click, you name it!
• On a budget? Use the filters to show only free games, or sort by price.
• Against IAPs? Search for games that don't offer in-app purchases.
• New: Find games with controller support.
Whether you're looking for turn-based strategy, action RPGs, or retro pixel games, Curated has something for everyone! We spend time finding the best games so you don't have to.
Curated makes it easy to discover the best games on Android!
Please note that Curated is still in Beta - as such, we expect some bugs. If you notice any bugs, or have any suggestions, please contact us at support@getcurated.co
Regarding Screenshots
Due to Google's policy on Intellectual Property, we cannot provide nice screenshots of the app without the written consent of the developer's who have created the applications listed. If you are a developer of an app featured by Curated and would like your application featured in the screenshots, please contact us with a small note of written consent at support@getcurated.co.
Open Advertising
We're trying to promote awesome advertising in this app (not the usual 'you have a virus' spam). As such, we've built our own advertising network from the ground-up. We'll sometimes show apps with a small 'sponsored' message beside them in the feed, but we'll NEVER attempt to show an advert as an organic listing.
Read about what we think advertising should be here: http://getcurated.co/advertising
Or you can view the data for all advertisements here: http://getcurated.co/advertising/campaigns
Permissions Explained
Identity: Required by Google Play Services (GCM) to receive optional notifications for games you're interested in.
Wi-Fi Connection: Used by the app to give more descriptive error messages, e.g. when your internet connection is down.
In-App Billing: Optional in-app purchase to support development of Curated and hide the sponsored games